Jen Krava
Conceptual artist + landscape tactician.
My intention is to evaluate the body's place within the fields of art and landscape architecture and consider how we occupy space both individually and collectively.
I am on the Creative Services team at Forecast, and teach as an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Landscape Architecture department at the University of Minnesota's College of Design.
I hold a MDes, Art, Design and the Public Domain degree at Harvard GSD, where I graduated with commendation and received the Unsung Hero Award. I also hold a MLA degree from the University of Minnesota, am a current Somerville Arts Council Fellowship Grantee, am past Curator of the GSD Kirkland Gallery, a former member of the SafeCampus team for the Berkman Center's Digital Problem Solving Initiative, a former President of the ASLA-MN student chapter, and was a research fellow during Yale Summer Session June 2011 studio art workshop in Auvillar, France.
My interests lie in studying the body as a site, performative wearables, analog technologies and women's social issues. I enjoy photography, music, travel, sewing, and supporting local businesses.